Make an Online Commitment
Gifts at all levels are needed to meeting our goal!
Questions? Email our Finance Team.
This form is confidential and secure, sent directly to the finance department of Third Church.

“God is transforming the hearts of our community.
This campaign has been a difficult four-year journey due to circumstances well beyond our control—the pandemic, inflation, political strife. Now, as we near the finish line, we see that our church is in the middle of a tsunami of God’s transformation. Look around: watch the enthusiasm at Regency, the numbers of people coming to worship, the Sunday School, the Alpha class, the newcomers, the tutoring, and the increased giving to the budget. Listen to what God has done with this Renew campaign, with the generosity of the session, and what he will do when the entire church family is asked to help close this Renew campaign.”
– Rob and Kathie Cox, Campaign Chairs